2 Weeks ago today I lost the little black and white cochin to a raccoon, due to me forgetting to lock up until about 10:50 at night. I still feel horrible and between that and being busy with finals I haven't posted.
But last night around 5 or 6 (still full sun here) I went to let the dog out and heard the baby squawking (I really need to stop calling her that, she's laying eggs now). So I headed out to the coop and see something running into the woods and my first thought was that it was a stray cat or one of my neighbors cats. Then I turn and look at the pen and see a raccoon standing up against the fence looking in. So I yell at it and it runs. Then I get ticked off, raccoons do not as a rule come out during the day. Usually it's a sign of illness or desperation. So I lock the chickens up for their safety and get my havaheart trap out and set it up. And here is what I found this morning: